Henkilön Francesco Delrosso profiiliHenkilön Saverio Rociola profiili

food sharing spaces

Graafinen suunnittelu
2013 - Aquilone college, Urbino
Food sharing spaces is a project about making new tradition for citizens and people living in Urbino. The project aims to valorize social spaces of the Aquilone college in Urbino designed from the architect Giancarlo De Carlo. We decided to bet on sharing food like a periodical and relational event for students to hand down in the future. We organized the first edition of this event which involved twentyfive students from multicultural backgrounds that have cooked different foods.

Expandible recipes book
105x148 mm, soft cover
Participation cards
75x105 mm
Identity elements to the event:
participation board, poster, letter cards
Memories and instructions to the future
75x105 mm, paper packaging
food sharing spaces

food sharing spaces

io sono urbinate / identity / Åbäke / isia urbino / year 2013 / editorial / event food sharing spaces is a project born for the course of comm Lue lisää
