Built for collaboration. Totally unique in shape and design. The Luce is the first chair that makes you more creative.      

Unknown in America, Okamura is one of the biggest furniture makers in Japan. The Luce is one of their most technically advanced chairs.  A unique rising seat allows the chair to adapt to any posture and better support any user.
To build awareness for the launch of the Luce in North America, this campaign was aimed at creative "tastemakers": designers, architects, and those who work in creative offices. We created double-sided posters for their tradeshow launch and magazine advertisements to introduce this totally unique chair.
Poster and Magazine.
Poster and Magazine.
The double sided posters used a newspaper format to tell many different funny stories. The two themes were "office collaboration" and the Luce. Since body copy is impossible to read in JPEG`s, below are some samples of what was written:

Passive Aggressiveness: A Comfortable Option to Consider 
by George Galanakis

There are many ways to collaborate in an office environment. One strategy to consider is good, old-fashioned passive aggressiveness. Such an approach does have its merits. That’s all I’m saying.
For instance, if you wanted your team to go forward with your idea, you could pound the table and yell and scream. Or you could try being passive aggressive. Lean back in your comfortable Luce chair and look thoughtful. Sadly suggest that a competing idea, while really smart, could be offensive to a minority. Then pose a leading question that implies the suitability of your idea. Start implying that everyone came up with your idea together, even if they hadn’t. Suddenly, your idea is moving forward, while that offensive one is already forgotten. Not such a bad outcome, if you think about it.
Like a boa constrictor that slowly strangles, then crushes its prey, passive aggressiveness is very effective. Some team members may eventually catch on and begin to struggle against your will. They might yell or call you names, even if they can’t quite explain what made them so angry. When this happens, don’t worry! Such desperate outbursts usually just look silly. After all, what did you ever do to them, right? (wink, wink!)
There’s no right or wrong answer to using passive aggressiveness. After all, everybody has their own way of working. But if you like winning arguments and dominating others, it could a good option to consider.

Okamura Luce

Okamura Luce

The launch of the Luce.
