
— Growing together, for good.

Manara is a branding and app project made for parents who have kids with autism and they want to learn how to teach and educate their kids better. Autism doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a parent who never gives up. Children with autism are very observant and they are aware of everything around them, even your attitude towards them. Let love and acceptance reign amongst them.

Manara means lighthouse in arabic and the company wants to make the parents the lighthouse of their children while playing and learning. That's why the sense of playful, puzzle pieces and colourful was very important since the beginning to apply in the branding.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it!

Thanks for watching! 
Stay tuned for more projects 
or check my website in case 
you need to work together



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Manara is a branding and app design project made for a company that helps parents to learn and teach how to educate and grow together with their Se mer
