Profil appartenant à Darrel Rhea

The Magic of British Columbia Waters

The Magic of British Columbia Waters

The good ship Mystery takes us North to the Desolation Sound area.  We just completed a 650 mile cruise through wild beauty.  This is our favorite place to wander.  The currents, tides and weather make this a challenging place to boat, but the rewards make it worth the effort.  As Fall approaches it is easy place to be alone.
75 miles inland we idle through fiords with towering cliffs.
The scale of the place is epic
It can be truly magical.
Weather drama at our anchorage.
Mystery tucks into a tight cove to anchor next to a waterfall.  It's a thousand meters deep only a few meters from shore.
We call it "quiet cruising."    We go slow and rarely see other boats.
Freighters show up in unexpected places.
Goods on their way to Alaska.
It's a subtle beauty at times.  We spend hours at the wheel in meditation.
Thank you for viewing!
The Magic of British Columbia Waters
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The Magic of British Columbia Waters

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