My name is Alexandria.
And I have a confession to make.
Some time ago my friends introduced Happiness to me. Happiness was great while it lasted...
It changed my world. All of a sudden there was all these euphoria. I believed for once that I could do anything. Everything was so bright and colorful, beautiful actually. And then it would fade and I'm left to face the cruel realization of reality. I took Happiness a few times after that but it always ends the same. Whenever things are going good, my mind would bring up a thousand things that could go wrong, cruelly reminding me that Happiness is nothing but temporal.
Now I run away from this lie, I defend my mind from this poison. I'll never be happy again because...I'm afraid to lose it again.


2012 / Collaboration with Beaunice Toh. Photographer: Nicholas Xav. Low, Beaunice Toh Post Processing: Nicholas Xav. Low Concept and Art Directi Læs mere
