Borrowed peace

Those who follow my work know that I love to observe the the world of the tiny creatures. It relaxes me to gossip and dive into those little lives that unfold close to our feet, to smile when they give me some detail of their privacy, with a nice light and a beautiful scenery. Or that's what I think.

Here I share today part of my search and encounters, helped by the lens of my camera.

In memory of my mother, my biggest fan.

The gear I use in this type of photography is:
Canon EOS 80D
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro Lens
Manfrotto Befree Advances GT XPRO tripod
(I always use tripod for macro photography)

Dream maker
We are already beginning to feel the autumn in the air, and this little one points it out to us with tenderness... or that is what I see :)
Mr. Wonderful
As autumn begins, we must say goodbye to these fantastic animals... until next summer :)

Sometimes I feel like a firefly
I love the evening light, where all the insects look like fireflies. That's all.
Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.
-Thich Nhat Hanh-
You and me
I like to think that even among these very elementary beings there is also love and care.
Let me lean on you
Small saprophytic mushroom Mycena arcangeliana. Many are extremely beneficial, breaking down organic material into humus, minerals and nutrients that can be utilised by plants.
We must feel true love for nature and its work.

Scarlet elfcup
I have a friend with whom I share my love for photography, she is also a mountaineer and knows well the paths that surround us, as well as the nearby wildlife and vegetation.
Last weekend she knocked on my door all excited, because she had found in a nearby forest, some very striking, red and cute mushrooms, so we agreed that in the next few days we would go to the forest to look for them. I in fact had never seen them before. We looked for them in Mr. Google, and it told us that they were the famous "Scarlet elfcup". No wonder they call them like that, I can image the elves drinking from those cups :) I hope you like my capture!.
The flying of a leaf
This image is composed by two pictures in one ... The first picture is the leaves on the ground and the chestnut forest in the background. In the second one, I tossed leaves to the air (by using the camera timer) ... then I blended the two photos, and this is the result ... I really hope you like it :)
Nature strokes
The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense :)
Borrowed peace

Borrowed peace


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