Profil Youvna Salian

Affordance & Semantics | New Product Design

Affordance & Semantics | New Product Design
Roller Scale to Glass Wiper
Affordances and semantics are an essential part of the design of everyday products that impact their usability. Understanding the visual language of a simple industrial product, in this project, I've redesigned a mass-produced object commonly found on most designer's desks- a roller scale. I've used its existing affordances to accommodate an additional function than its otherwise intended use, retaining its original size and form. In the document embedded below are sketches of some non-intended uses for a roller scale. 
Of the possible uses above, I chose one for the final redesign- A glass wiper, enhancing the signifier for this unintended use. I've attached the sketches and renders explaining its form, functions, context of use and dimensions.
Affordance & Semantics | New Product Design


Affordance & Semantics | New Product Design
