Jessica Braccio 的個人檔案

Conversations With Divinity

"Conversations With Divinity"
Adobe Photoshop
18in. X 18in.
 I wanted to depict not only how I think, but specifically how my Divinity "talks" to me.  I naturally think in shapes, colors and light,  but it's at a completely different level when I converse with my Divinity.  The images move very quickly like a kaleidoscope. The images themselves, as I portrayed them,  look 2D, when in reality what I see is actually 3D and looks more like a projection. This is the closest I've come to showing what these conversations look like.  One day,  I hope to bring these conversations into the physical, so that they, too, can be holographic projections. 
See more of my work at
Conversations With Divinity


Conversations With Divinity
