Adobe Photoshop
18in X 18in.
By: @jessica_braccio
This piece is the third in my "Neurodivergence" series.

Alexithymia is not being able to match the word to the feeling. While alexithymia is not an official symptom of autism, it does co-occur with it. Alexithymia has plagued me my entire life. I lost count of the times where I could not match what I was feeling with a word.  Since I naturally don't think in words,  this made my journey more difficult.  In some sense, at times I felt defective.
I have recently begun to learn it's not that I can't feel because I feel very deeply. I've begun to rely on my divinity to help me match words to feelings. My most recent achievement was finally "understanding" gratitude.  I felt what I was feeling and I saw colors and shapes.  I then heard from my divinity "gratitude." It was incredible! It's not that I hadn't really felt it before,  but everything finally aligned so that I could fully understand.
This piece shows Alexithymia as the black in this piece. The colors are what I feel and are waiting to burst through. I almost felt my journey in making and renaming  this piece was the embodiment of "Alexithymia," because I couldn't find the words to accurately name it.  I loved this journey!


