Magic signing for OZ Mall
Located in Krasnodar, Russia with a site of nearly 37 hectares, the mall’s total space is divided between a shopping gallery, anchor tenants, over 7000 zoned car parking spaces, an FM radio station studio, ice rink, 12 hall multiplex, restaurants, cafes, a food court and a children’s playground. 
Originally, our brief was to take an earlier design concept for the signing system and prepare the scheduling and specification documentation for tender. Since then we have been appointed to re-develop the signage family itself, including touchscreen kiosks and interfaces. The website has been designed in line with this concept. 
Stunning interior deign called for a very simple yet elegant solution. Seamless, curved signs formed from composite solid surface in the signs, integrating the most advanced touchscreen system in Russia. Interface and Website by Air and tech by Instant Business. Simple graphics and bespoke pictograms have been developed. 
The elegant, super modern yet strong solution sets OZ Mall apart in an increasingly competitive environment. The digital aspect helps to bring both usability and interest. 
Oz Mall

Oz Mall

Wayfinding, website Krasnodar, Russia and touchscreen for Oz Mall in Krasnodar, Russia.
