Tobias Hall's profile

Zizzi Kenilworth

Zizzi Ristorante: Kenilworth
Client - Zizzi Ristorante, UK
Creative Director - Pia Fairhurst
Design co-ordinator - Sian Quantrill
Illustrator/Designer/Painter - Tobias Hall
Zizzi Ristorante are an Italian restaurant chain with hundreds of restaurants all over the UK. This is the 3rd project I have worked with them on, as part of their on-going commitment to promoting 'Fresh Talent'. 
For this project, I was given 5 themes to work with; Distortion, Perspective, Reflection, Refraction and Intertwine. I decided to re-visit and focus on my interest in geometric patterns and clean lines in order to portray these themes - it's a style which I havent employed in a while, and very different to the imagery I usually create, so it was good fun.
Below you can see the 5 initial triangle designs, each depicting one of the themes. Colours and form naturally evolved whilst I was on site, but the concept remains the same.
The triangles were painted down a long corridor, which started in the dining area and continued to the washrooms.
A mirror ran the entire length of the washroom end of the corridor. You can see the 'Male' and 'Female' signage reflected in it.
Zizzi also asked me to write a couple of quotes on two of the other walls. The first was from Queen Elizabeth the 1st...
...and the second was from William Morris...
Other miscellaneous photos from elsewhere in the restaurant.
Thanks a lot for looking!

Visit my website.
Keep an eye out for (especially fans of David Bowie) for my next mural project for Zizzi, published later this week.
Zizzi Kenilworth


Zizzi Kenilworth

Wall murals for Zizzi Ristorante in Kenilworth, UK.
