Today’s students demands privacy, sustainability, luxury, security, and spaces for studying. Student housing is expected to provide access to high-end amenities such as gyms and pools, kitchens, and the internet.The adage “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” rings true in the world of academia. Students need time off from their studies to engage, make new connections, and strengthen relationships.
  student housing should offer collaborative spaces to nurture connections and support students to achieve academic success. housing facilities can be defined as rooms furnished with sophisticated amenities, suitable to house social activities and indicative of a certain lifestyle.

The major need addressed by such facilities is a dwelling, but we also argue that the desire to interact and socialize with friends or to attain a desired social status may explain why individuals demand some housing facilities. Simply put, student housing facilities can fulfill several needs and desires.
The student complex offers rooms that are equipped with complete facilities and services, but the space can also encourage friendships and provide a silent study environment.Student housing offers security and privacy and renting such spaces to students allows university housing administrators to fulfill student needs and aspirations.
The proposal aims with the rethinking of student housing , by creating a modular interplay between the introspective and collabrative growth of the given space and creating a integration of  urban spaces with the open areas.
2.Ventilated air layer
3.Water Resistant Membrane
4.Flax insulated Timber battens
5.Single - Ply membrane
6.Slope water resistance layer



