Maxim Zelentsov 的个人资料

It's scary at home alone

Hi! I drew two illustrations for the exhibition "Fear, but", which will be held in the Library of St. Petersburg "Knigopark". The exhibition is dedicated to various childhood fears and ways to overcome them.
For my illustrations, I chose the fear of being left at home alone

The child is not yet independent enough to feel safe at home alone. Because children have a good imagination, dramatic images appearing in their heads can scare them.
Phrases in the illustration:
"I'm all alone here"
"Hey, who are you? Away!"
"I'm very scared"
""When will they come back?"
"I see his eyes!"
One of the ways to deal with fear can be a pet, for which the baby will be responsible. Taking care of the animal will help the baby switch from his problems to the needs of a more defenseless creature.

The child will perceive himself as more adult, since he was entrusted with the life and health of a little friend.
Phrases in the illustration:
"Two tails, eight paws"
"They like the new toy!"
"Martin sneezes louder than me!"
"Sima is red as a fox"
In this case, there are two pets, the fear will definitely be defeated)
It's scary at home alone

It's scary at home alone
