Hi! I want to show my illustrations for art marathons over the past year. Enjoy watching!
1. Illustrations that teach children to count!
The task was to create a series of pictures with an increase in the number of animals on each next one. I wanted to tell a story about a kind moose that walks through the forest and helps forest animals in their affairs and concerns. As a result, 3 illustrations were drawn, poems were written for each.
Approximate translation of the text in the illustration -

A moose walking in the forest in the morning.
The animals in the forest need his help!
On the way to the flower garden
How can I pass by here?

There is a very beautiful!
Moose here alone, he has a lot to do
There is no time to sit for a long
You need to do a lot!
two thieves are waiting in the bushes
It smells delicious here!
A kind moose and a cunning fox 
Decided to steal soup!

The fox's red tail hits the branch
With a very simple plan
"After everyone leaves ...
You watch, and I eat!"
Otters in a boat, an elk in a pond
Disappeared and breathes through a tube
Fishing threesome
They are waiting for a big catch!

The otter says to the other otter
"Look what the moose is doing!
How well he fishes
We already have a bucket of fish!"

2. bear hugs
Not everyone can say they need a hug.  Especially dogs and other silent ones)

3. your forest dream
The task of the marathon was to draw 3 illustrations on 3 different topics - a dream, a soul and loneliness. So, what I got!
He could fantasize the wildest dreams about battles with fictional monsters. Although they are not so difficult to confuse with the real ones.
The soul is happy when otters are fed!
Sinking to the seabed, he felt a frightening sense of loneliness...

Art marathons

Art marathons
