Intrigued by the volume of Natty Boh-themed items I've see around Baltimore, and being an inspired fan of the iconic mascot of National Bohemian beer, and the old-school late 80s / early 90s Krylon spray paint logo – I spent a late night combining the two to make a double-awesome t-shirt graphic. The result is my contribution to the fanatical Boh-scene only Baltimore can lay claim to, not to mention that Mr. Boh sure looks good in color!
If you're interested in learning more about the National Bohemian logo, and the history and influences behind this t-shirt design you can read more here
The photos in the ad campaign above are courtesy of my amazingly talented friend and co-MICA graduate Lindsay Hite. Lindsay has made quite a name for herself in Baltimore and beyond as a independent photographer, and more recently as a member of the Readyluck collective. Do yourself a favor and check out her work at
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Krylon Boh

Krylon Boh

Intrigued by the volume of Natty Boh-themed items I've see around Baltimore, and being an inspired fan of the iconic mascot of National Bohemian 자세히 보기


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