Instructional Design
how to depict the process of Ironing a shirt in 6 clean steps. Without using any words so that the reader could catch hold of the idea without going through any heavy text.
Flat illustration have been used so to make the illustration clean and easy to use. 
Icons Used
Icons I hence used were flat renders of elements such as a spray bottle, a shirt and an Iron with minilastic shadows and highlights.
The instructions are shown in 6 steps using crimson arrows to show it's directional flow without breaking the language of the color scheme. For places, like the collar and the cuffs single circular unit has been broken down into more units for users to understand continuity withing it's treatment. 
The color scheme so chosen is to add a touch of excitment and subtlety into daily household chores classified as 'dull & monotonous'  
Instructional Design
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Instructional Design

how to iron a shirt using flat icons

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