Palouse Summer Daydreams
As spring has moved into summer, the Palouse landscape has gradually evolved. Some fields have become bright yellow with canola, while others now sport a rich green coat of newly sprouted wheat. There are still a few places where nothing is currently growing, and the exposed furrows of plowed earth add their own rich colors and textures to the landscape. After an extremely wet spring, the days are becoming sunnier, though immense cumulonimbus clouds can appear in the skies. Although I typically prefer to photograph at dawn, I also ventured out in the late afternoon to see how the end-of-day light would illuminate the rolling hills, and most images in this set were taken in the languid light of summer evening.

This is the fourth installment in my ongoing Palouse project. Earlier series were titled Springtime in the Palouse, Palouse Contours, and Panoramic Palouse.
Thanks for your interest!
Palouse Summer Daydreams
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Palouse Summer Daydreams

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