Henkilön Asjad Maswood profiili

Generative×Data-driven Poster "Perception of God"

Workshop by OPENRNDR × Politecnico di Milano
This project was produced under a week-long Workshop with RNDR co-founder Edwin Jakobs, also the creator of OPENRNDR, an “open-source framework for creative coders”. The workshop introduced the basics of creative coding and OPENRNDR and challenged us to create a generative and data-driven poster.

The goal of the workshop was to introduce designers with creative coding and the idea of using coding as material for personal and creative expression.

The project was focused on data scraping from online sources like Google News and DuckDuckGo, then the collected data were used to generate 20 different posters on the topic "Perceptions of God.

The 20 posters, instead of being produced ad-hoc with traditional graphic software, would have been generated randomly by a coded set of rules and data sources without being retouched by hand.

Decreased focus on face by bring attention to other details.
Taking the image apart and rearrange.

Defining a direction to represent the idea of “God” visually, while balancing it with the project theme and technical feasibility. The first idea was to slice the images, then distort it with animation, while maintaining the majority of its original integrity.
The boundaries between languages and ideas has been explored, by examining and visualizing the word/idea of “God” and how it is portrayed in 20 different languages. The aim is to show how every culture is diversified by different entities and how the concept of supreme power transcends language barriers.
View more Generative×Data-driven Posters here.
Generative×Data-driven Poster "Perception of God"


Generative×Data-driven Poster "Perception of God"
