Mini Batoniki - Dobra Kaloria

These illustrations were made for the brand Dobra Kaloria in Poland. I created the style some time ago and here I wanted to share the look of the packaging that were developed with it, as well as some of the sketches and process I made to get to this proposition.

All the pictures, packaging design and campaign is made by the brand Dobra Kaloria, they allow me to use the project in context and be able to show the way my illustrations were used.

Cheesecake flavored mini bars

Raspberry tart flavored mini bars

Blueberry Muffin flavored mini bars

Apple pie flavored mini bars

Side floral composition - close ups

Design process

I started our with some sketches to propose the general look I was going for, originally I visualized a heavily illustrated packaging to make the product pop up in the shelves. Bellow you will see some of the directions that were explored. 

As you can see here I experimented with a diagonal composition what seemed right to me but the alternative with the floral illustration around was my client favorite from the very beginning, so I continued to explore that direction with different color schemes compositions.

At some point the look got bolder and heavily illustrated, I really liked this first draft since it looked very pictorial but at the end it was decided to make it a bit less chaotic and go for a calmer look giving more air to the elements.

Thanks for watching!

Mini Batoniki


Mini Batoniki
