Profil Dmytro Nezdymenko

Fixing up a website for a hotel Bobrova Hata

WordPress Plugin modifying and Page Speed Optimization
Fixing up a website for a hotel.

The client's site was developed by a third-party company a year ago. The site is made on the purchased theme, and during the operation, many functions failed. It was necessary to correct all the errors, configure the elements correctly and improve the performance.
The client needed a developer to fix his hotel website. He had a problem with the weather display and booking price display. Also, he needs to change information on the website and add Viber and contacts links.
Front-end. This part was fixed using HTML, CSS, and WPBakery plugin.
Back-end. This part was fixed using JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP.
◉ customize weather API;
◉ edit booking plugin for the right price displayed;
◉ add Viber and contacts links;
◉ change prices and booking information;
◉ update WordPress version;
◉ update hosting version of PHP;
◉ fix WordPress errors;
◉ create a child theme.
Fixing up a website for a hotel Bobrova Hata

Fixing up a website for a hotel Bobrova Hata



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