Faun is one of the oldest chthonic deities. Fauns are tied to the territory and nature of the land on which they live. The etymology of the word leads us to Italian roots. In Latin, we find a common root with the word conveying the concept of benevolence. A faun is always a male, he lives in forests and parks, it is extremely rare for people to meet him...
Winter is not an easy period of time even for Fauns, maybe...
In the spring, curiosity can even lead the Faun to city parks. And yes, this Faun has a bad habit of smoking ))

The first warmth at the end of spring awakens the senses and Faun remembers where he hid his flute last autumn. He is ready to pick it up again and bring it to his lips.
In the summer life of the Fauns, there are little joys of communication. Here he met Naiad ...
Here, in the corner of the picture is another Faun. He has a backpack on his back. Of course! Even the Faun has something to take with him just in case. But just look, this one also smokes ))
Autumn exposes the paths in the park. Faun, from idleness, again it is interesting to watch us )
Curious Faun


Curious Faun
