Profil użytkownika „Abraham E.”Profil użytkownika „Aaron Honda”

The Long Game

Ruch 3D
1. All animation tests w/ descriptions
Visual Design references include work by Nelio Riga, Oddfellows, Timo Kuilder, Ordinary Folk and Vucko
1. Jerry-Lee Bosmans poster explorations, 2. Bram Vanhaeren 3. 60-30-10 rule


Voice-over: Karoline Winzer
Sound Design & Music: Aaron Honda
Design & Animation: Abraham E. 👋🏾
Original video by The Futur, narrated by Matthew Encina

…to my final-year tutor, Owen Wells, for putting up with my bs, Desmond Du and Felipe Ramírez for their animation feedback, and everyone from LCC that made my university experience worthwhile. 🙏🏾

Any constructive feedback on the process, design and animation always welcome 👍🏾
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The Long Game

The Long Game

With a greater focus on visual storytelling, I revisited one of my favourite videos on the realities of creative journey, narrated by creative di Rozwiń
