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How Do You Show Your Pride?

It's summer, time to kick off those winter pants, cruise down the street and smile back at the summer sun.

The photos above are from a project that posed the question "How do you show your Pride?" The result def has summer vibes and a healthy dose of Pride.

Top - Nancy is an academic advisor at California State University, Long Beach. She shows her Pride by roller skating around town, as a form of expression. She also competes on a roller derby team. Her explanation made me think of Kodak Kodachrome film and vintage photos from the 70s of people cruising the beach boardwalks. I wanted to create that vintage vibe.

Bottom - Elaine is a chemistry lecturer at California State University, Long Beach. She identifies as pansexual and feels that clothes and colors help visually communicate her philosophy about sexuality. Growing up in the Philippines, she felt her sexuality was stifled. America offered her the freedom to be who she wants. This photo is a bit more conceptual, utilizing symbology to visually communicate Elaine's story. 

How Do You Show Your Pride?
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How Do You Show Your Pride?

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