Camellia Sinensis - Packagings

Camellia Sinensis
Based in Montreal since 1997, Camellia Sinensis company is considered to be The tea expert. They wanted to create a packaging platform for their retail products that would represent the high quality tea leaves and freshness of their own sourced selected teas, while preserving their brand equity. The structural design of the box, as well as the color code and african-asian inspired patterns where created to express the art and culture of the most classic tea categories while being contemporary, and to also affirm the unique tasters-importers special aspect of their brand. The provenance, taste and appearance of each of their retail loose leaf teas are showned in great details to inform all, from newcomers trough tea experts alike.

Design Studio: Chez Valois

Creative direction: Michel Valois & Sylvie Racicot  |  Art direction: Michel Valois
Structural design: Michel Valois & Robin Kurtz  |  Visual design: Michel Valois & Simon Laliberté
Infography: Robin Kurtz, Michel Valois & Alex Chocron 

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Camellia Sinensis - Packagings