Logos for Hangry Jerkey
Circle logos for Hangry Jerky
Close up of circle logo
Business Card samples
These are labels for small 50g snack packs. The labels also function as business cards to give out a sample of jerky to new potential partners. 
These are the main packaging labels for the jerky
I was contacted by a start up jerky company that wanted unique branding and way to market their material. I designed the new logo for them which comes in 6 colours to use on different collateral. The logos come in a circle version and a straight version. Other company collateral items were created such as business cards, letterheads, PowerPoint templates, etc. 
For the packaging I wanted it to stand out from other competing jerky brands in the area. The jerky is packaged in clear cellophane envelopes to showcase the full product with the product label and ingredients attached at the top of the package. The colouring of the collateral is also unique and vibrant to showcase the variety of flavours they would like to market.
Also since this is a start up company they needed a way to market to new vendors. I made 50g sample packs of jerky that are attached to a smaller label that also functions as a business card. This allows them to meet potential vendors, customers, etc who can also sample their product. 
Hangry Jerky

Hangry Jerky

Branding and Collateral for Hangry Jerky
