Moët & Chandon

Step into a world of greatness, welcome the new Moët & Chandon.
Sharing the magic of champagne with the world since 1743. 
This was Jean Remy Moët’s dream, founder of the house and great pioneer.

The worldwide champagne brand has successfully maintained its leadership position by its brand experience and its commitments regarding innovation, amplified by its unique savoir-faire build across centuries.

Moët & Chandon is the quintessence of celebration, it is a generous and festive brand shaped by its history and worldwide recognition. 
Yet the brand relied too long on its success story, without revamping its image which left it as a safe choice for consumers.

To spark again in a world where consumers seek for exciting experience and need to be inspired by true purpose, Moët & Chandon recognized the necessity of reclaiming its iconicity with a unique universe.

Our challenge was to uplift the brand universe by crafting a meaningful and distinctive identity for the iconic French champagne house. 
We needed to redefine the essence of the new codes by drawing into the roots of the brand in order to strengthen its legitimacy and move consumer’s heart. All of this without compromising consumers' attachment to the brand.

In order to reinforce the iconicity of the brand, we modernize the crown, symbol of greatness and celebration. 
This asset is now the emblem of the house, a shortened logo surrounded by the essential: the name, the date and the round shape remaining the vineyard sign.

Iconicity is key, but to gain in premiuness we develop the cachet that bonds the two houses of Moët & Chandon, a symbol of quality, prestige and savoir-faire. Reworked to be magnify, the ancestral crests shine like a jewel. 

To finally enhance the visual identity, we create a unique pattern known as the topography that honors the magnificence of the house's vineyards, where kilometers of cellars lied.

Gold, White, Black, Red, we strategically select colors and textures inspired by the House, the terroir and the first influencer.

Each code tells a story and is part of Moët & Chandon DNA. 
Moët & Chandon

Moët & Chandon
