Festiwal i targi Mały Koneser

We present the visual identity of  "Mały Koneser" ("The Little Connoisseur") - a festival and book fair dedicated to children's literature. The First edition of this event organized by the independent publishing house Wytórnia took place in 2022 at the Koneser Center in Warsaw. After great attendance success, the next edition is being planned.

Twenty-two the best independent Polish publishing houses showed up during the fair. Albus, Babaryba, Buka, Druganoga, Dwie Siostry, Entliczek, Ezop, Format, Hokus-Pokus, Kultura Gniewu, Literówka, Mamania, Muchomor, Polarny Lis, Poławiacze Pereł, Tako, Tashka, Tatarak, Widnokrąg, Wytwórnia and Zakamarki - they are all leading publishers specialized in childrens' literature.

Our identification for the festival stands out with its bright colours and handwritten typography. The logo has a friendly and funny character. Little winking reader hidden between letters becomes the symbol of "Mały Koneser" festival.

During the fair, little readers could not only take part in workshops held by famous illustrators but also look for the autographs and dedications from their favorite artists. The guests of Małego Koneser were, among others: Józef Wilkoń, Ola and Daniel Mizielińscy, Justyna Bednarek, Piotr Socha, Berenika Kołomycka and Marcin Podolec.

Photos: Kinga Kowalska (Kinga Księgarska),  photo of Dwie Siostry stand -  Dwie Siostry​​​​​​ publishing house

Festiwal i targi Mały Koneser

Projektin tilaaja

Festiwal i targi Mały Koneser

Visual identity for the festival and book fair "Mały Koneser" dedicated to children's literature.
