WA Creative's profile

Road Map to Zero

Literature Series

A series of landmark reports that captured public opinion and set out plans for moving to 100% Zero Emission Buses. Stagecoach charged us with moving the Zero Emission Bus debate on from often abstract high-level targets to a more engaging and illustrative way of introducing greener buses to the UK. Not only were these
seminal publications for the industry, they provide a unique opportunity to drive a new generation of passengers onto the bus network. 

We produced a series of unique isometric artworks including 'the bus garage of the future' and 'the Switch City', resulting in a visually engaging set of reports that was designed to portray complex information and gauge and balance differing opinions. 

Stagecoach now have a visual platform to engage stakeholders with a view to changing bus industry
and supporting our future environment.

Road Map to Zero

Project Made For

Road Map to Zero
