A campaign promoting a unique service - a credit vacation. Taking a cash loan you may skip one monthly fee whenever you need it, whatever happens. In order to dramatize that message we created a Moneyeater - a strange pest which can suddenly arise in your wardrobe like a moth and eat all the cash in your pockets.
The conversation between customer and bank employee is following:
- Platinum Bank? I can't pay my loan fee this month 'cause I've got ... a moneyeater...
- Money... what?
- A mo-ney-ea-ter...
- Oh! It's clear now! Well, I'll give you credit vacation... By the way - introduce your moneyeater to an olygarch...
The Narrator: Life can be unpredictable. We understand that and give you cash loans with a vacation - with a possibility to skip one monthly payment.
A Moneyeater

A Moneyeater

TV campaign promoting an unique service - credit vacation. You may skip one monthly fee payment whenever you need it (even if the reason is absol Read More
