FELT - Internal projects
Done at Media.Work

FELT is the first part of an experimental project based on physical, chemical, and tactile features of a material in a digital environment. These characteristics determine the purpose of the material and define its unique concept.

We have examined how fiber becomes a final product by tracking every stage of the object lifecycle - from formation to disintegration, and revealing all of the exclusive material properties.
The material is easily recycled and can be used in a closed cycle with many repetitions without additional raw materials.
Another unique property of FELT is the ability to keep its shape without any additional influence. The material lends itself perfectly to molding and retains its shape for a long time, all the while looking incredibly aesthetically pleasing.
FELT conducts not only sound but also heat. Containing lots of air cavities inside, it serves as an insulating material, both in manufacturing and construction.
FELT may also be used as a smart material including embedded electronics. With sensors and devices for visual or haptic feedback, the fabric can be a part of a house or a car, becoming an inconspicuous control panel or a display. The same goes for clothes and accessories: coats and bags with chips and sensors inside could display necessary information and send signals to the wearer's devices.
Part of the tasks for an internal project.

Created by:

Creative and Art Direction:
Igor Sordokhonov, Anna Reshetnikova, Maxim Zhestkov

Design, Animation:
Artur Gadzhiev, Sergey Shurupov, Kirill Makhin, Tatyana Balyberdina, Denis Semenov, Roman Eltsov, Roman Kuzminykh, Anna Reshetnikova, Roman Kotov.

Pavel Pitaev

Artyom Markaryan



