Profil Jessaka Parmley

Seattle Public Library website redesign

The project was to help rebrand Seattle Public Library by redesigning their website—both desktop and mobile.
While there was no coding involved, thought about how it could technically function had to be considered.
The key pages of the site were established, then the design followed. This design follows SPL’s true identity as a library by remaining minimal. However, the use of highly-saturated, high resolution photographs paired with clean type provides for a fresh look. The diamond and angular architecture of every branch of the Seattle Public Library is alluded through the angled features of the site. The site is user-friendly for the widest range of technical ability by its simplicity, crisp organization, and visual appeal. home page home page — featured story photo appears when hovered over home page — drop down menu links home page — featured story horizontal navigation by hovering over the ">" on the right of the page
spl app mobile view
Seattle Public Library website redesign

Seattle Public Library website redesign

Website redesign for Seattle Public Library


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