Make It with Fresco and Capture

Adobe Make It is an event series designed to bring together diverse groups of talented artists and challenge them to create with Adobe's latest and greatest tools. This time, we hosted a virtual Make It workshop with Fresco and Capture on March 23-24, 2022 which featured a talented group of artists from South Asia.

We invited 18 artists from around the South Asia region to join us virtually, from Goa, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and more, as well as two guests from ISDI. Together, these artists heard from inspiring keynote speakers, learned how to use Fresco and Capture on the iPad and their mobile devices from the people who create the products. We divided them into teams to collaborate on a final piece of art. They represented a variety of styles and specialities, from illustration to graphic design.

Below you'll find some snapshots from the event along with a collection of what these artists made in less than 48 hours.  
On day 1, director of design Vinay Dixit gave a warm welcome to the artists, sharing his passion for their work as well as for the Adobe creative products they would soon get to learn.
To get our artists acquainted with each other in virtual space, we invited Bikram Ghosh to host a fun performing arts-inspired warm-up designed to get everyone moving and looking at things from a different perspective.
Below are some examples of what our artists got to make during this warm-up; everyone's humor and fun styles were on display!
We had principal designer Brooke Hopper present a demo of Adobe Fresco, which gave the artists a quick rundown of how to use the app to bring their ideas to life.
We also had sr. experience designer Manisha Gupta present a demo on Adobe Capture, the useful and powerful design tool that can collect colors, patterns, type, and much more!
Once the artists got introduced to the apps, we then gave them their creative brief, or theme that they would take with them to create a unique piece of work. 
We had the pleasure of hosting the artists Hari & Deepti for our keynote session on Day 2, which was an absolute delight! We learned about some of their projects, processes, and inspiration.
Creative Cloud evangelist Kyle T. Webster popped in to share a behind-the-scenes look at some Fresco and Capture features that were soon-to-be-released! The artists got a first-hand look at some of the exciting innovations coming down the pipeline.
The best part of any Make It event is the final presentations, where each artist shares their creative process, feedback about the product, and most importantly: their artwork! Each artist team had the benefit of being able to brainstorm and play with different ideas with their fellow artists and Adobe TAs. Below are the final pieces of work made in just under two days.

Click on each piece below to see a close-up; all of these pieces were made with Adobe Fresco and/or Adobe Capture.

Artwork credit from top left to right:

Sr engineering director Lekhraj Sharma concluded the event with words of gratitude and shared his history with working on creative products at Adobe.
For the first time in Make It event history, we had a live performance "after party" for everyone in attendance! The incredible musical duo Parekh & Singh delivered a 14-song set, complete with vocals by Nischay Parekh and live visuals by Jivraj Singh. 
Thank you to all our amazing attendees, staff, and special guests. Stay tuned for the next Make It workshop!
Make It with Fresco and Capture

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Make It with Fresco and Capture
