Profil appartenant à Leonard Bevill

Understanding Functional Capacity Evaluation

A bachelor of science in therapeutic recreation and an MS in exercise science graduate, Leonard Bevill's primary focus is ergonomics and biomechanics. Leonard Bevill leveraged this background to start Macon Occupational Medicine in 2001. Among other work, the clinic performs functional capacity evaluations (FCEs).

Medical centers and professionals perform FCEs to determine workers' ability to meet general and specific physical requirements to perform duties safely. The tests determine if workers require additional rehabilitation, training, or education to start work for new employees or resume work after an injury.

Across the board, the FCEs guides vary as per the job exertions. Commercial guides on how to perform FCE exist, but most therapists opt for published material and journals from subject matter experts. Also, the guiding principles differ from country to country. However, across the board, the primary focus is to optimize the type of FCE available, its dependability on attending to the issue at hand, and its suitability to the level of assessment required.

Typical requesters for FCEs include insurance providers, negligence attorneys, and employers. Depending on the causative action, the procedures involve carrying and lifting weights and testing degrees of motion, physical strength, and flexibility.
Understanding Functional Capacity Evaluation
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Understanding Functional Capacity Evaluation

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