Saris to Suits - Layout Design, Graphic Design, Project Management
Saris to Suits is a calendar campaign founded by former CNN news anchor Patti Tripathi, to benefit charities in both Atlanta and Sarasota which provide support for abused and assaulted women. It will feature women of South Asian heritage who have accomplished careers and celebrate their ethnic heritage. Proceeds from calendar sales will benefit Safe Place Rape and Crisis Center (SPARCC) in Sarasota, and Atlanta-based Raksha, which serves the South Asian immigrant community. 

· Layout & graphic design for calendar: placement and assembly of important information such as South Asian holidays, captions, inspirational mottoes, images and other materials provided by photographers, web designers, role models, and other affiliates for use in the project.
· Management of media and oversight of print production with local printing facilities in Clearwater, FL.
· Photoshoot assistance for Richard Porter (Unusual Exposures Photography).
Saris to Suits - Calendar Layout Design


Saris to Suits - Calendar Layout Design

"Saris to Suits" is a calendar campaign founded by former CNN news anchor Patti Tripathi, to benefit charities in both Atlanta and Sarasota which Развернуть
