Rebranding of Onliner multi-category e-comm platform


Onlíner is an ecosystem that consists of a huge Marketplace with 700,000 goods, Real Estate and Auto Classified, Resale and Home Services. Onlíner is used by 50% of the population of Belarus.
Onlíner hasn't updated the brand for 20 years. People discussed Nokia and Motorola in 2001 on Onlíner. Now they read the news, sell unnecessary stuff and buy whatever: from a pen to a car. Onlíner is no longer just a forum, but the biggest media and ecosystem of services around a person.

The goal of Right Studio was to reflect the scale of these global changes in the brand identity and scale the new visual language to all services and external communications.

The main factor that was taken into account during the rebranding was the habit of regular users, Onlíner Sapiens, who logged into Onlíner daily for decades and identified themselves with the brand, to the previous identity. Right Studio managed to preserve the authenticity of the brand, not to scare away the audience with the changes, but to show that the brand still appreciates them, getting better and remaining itself at the same time.

Cross the t’s, acute the i’s

Right Studio relied on the key values ​​of the brand while rebranding: technology and fun. Acute “ ´ ” has become a symbol of the main advantage of the brand – assistance in finding the right thing amongst a lot of variants and it turns any product into the Onlíner one immediately. Onlíner is a famous brand in any typesetting. The super-display font has added fun and reflected the brave and bold nature of the brand.

As a result, the new identity has been integrated easily and become native to the Onlíner people, the Services are arranged and recognized as Onlíner easily.

The brand code functions like Lego briks: the visual communications of the Services are arranged fast, even if there’s a minimum of available expressive means. Around a million people have discovered what the acute is.

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Rebranding of Onliner multi-category e-comm platform

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Rebranding of Onliner multi-category e-comm platform

Onliner is the largest ecosystem of services in Belarus, covering 50 per cent of the country’s population. Millions of Belarusians visit Onliner 자세히 보기
