Profil appartenant à Shashi Shankar

Kaarigar (Logo Design)

Kaarigar (Artist) is an NGO that is working to uplift the Banarasi artisans. They also arrange school workshops to teach students the skill and raise awareness about Banarasi craft. For their first project, they made a guidebook for local artisans to educate them about how to sell their products online. Find guidebook project here
The objective of this project is to come up with an identity design (Logo) for the same.

This work is part of my Design Project. Kaarigar is an hypothetical organisation.

Even though i had completed the logo for Kaarigar, i was not very satisfied with the outcome. The logo looked simple for banarasi toys which is known for its bright and contrast colours.
So i took another approach, an illustrative one which is the direct representation of one of the Banarasi toys. And i liked this version much more.

Kaarigar (Logo Design)
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Kaarigar (Logo Design)

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