Profil appartenant à Morgan Reynolds

What We're Blind To: Book Series

Carefully select four separate titles from the Penguin Classics Book Series that share a common theme and build a conceptually cohesive series of jackets for those books.
There’s more to humanity than meets the eye. The challenge in designing this series was accurately allowing every visual trait to reflect not only the theme of that individual title, but also the overall theme of the series. These titles were collected to reach out to theatre students and their potential struggle to find their place in a production just as the protagonists of these plays all struggle with finding their place in humanity. A production is more than memorizing lines, music, or movements. Everyone has a responsibility that, when fulfilled, works to display a bigger picture.
What We're Blind To: Book Series
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What We're Blind To: Book Series

A book series redesign of four Penguin Classics titles

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