Hold & Descend is the partner painting to Above & Within.

The DSSV Pressure Drop of the Five Deeps Expedition is seen from the stern instead the bow and we can see the submersible hanger, the diesel chimneys and arms, buoys and satellite.

A huge part of the expedition was the scientific research - sending landers (the weighted but buoyant frame in the water) to the deepest parts of the trenches.  Here they would collect live samples, camera footage and each lander provided one element of the triangulation on the sea bed required for the effective location and operation of the Triton Submersible.

50 x 70cm
The painting in situ - not yet framed but a good demonstration of the real colours of the painting. The white is true in this image as opposed to the main image but I try not to maniupulate images too much in my photography.
Hold & Descend


Hold & Descend
