Part of the system

A laser projection show
by Arina Lir, Daria Grigorieva, Anna Klay
Moscow, Russian Federation, 2021 

When creating this work, each participant reflected a reflection on the
theme of human in society and the world.
It would seem that a small person can do nothing, but it is not so.
Everyone affects our world. All the problems that humanity has in
ecology, the social part, in the personal part, this is all the result
of the actions of each person in history.

To some extent, this work is a call to each of us and you to be 
more attentive to your actions.
Part of the system
by Arina Lir Daria Grigorieva Anna Klay  
Moscow, Russian Federation, 2021

Workshop: Laser perfomance
Teacher: Pavel Seldimirov
Curators: Alexander Serechenko and Ekaterina Pryanichnikova 

Commissioned by ArtTECH — NUST MISIS Master Program 2021
Part of the system