Engineers Australia Motion Brand

Engineers Australia is the trusted voice of the profession. They are the global home for engineering professionals, renowned as leaders in shaping a sustainable world.​​​​​​​

Frost*collective developed the strategy and visual identity for the updated Engineers Australia brand, which has been designed to reflect the notion that engineering creates and improves the world in which we live. Engineering is at the core of everything that moves, so this brand would not be complete without motion.

Never Sit Still was engaged by Frost*collective to establish the motion branding principles for Engineers Australia. Inspired by the technical precision of engineering, Never Sit Still created a motion brand system that is clean and uncomplicated, bold and confident and all with a sense of personality within the the engineering space.
Client — Engineers Australia
Brand Agency — Frost*collective
Strategy & Design — Frost*collective
Animation Studio — Never Sit Still
Studio Director — Mike Tosetto
Project Lead — Zoe Crocker
Animation — Zoe Crocker, Melany Webster, Mulanne Phan
Producer —​​​​​​​ Darcy Green

As a cornerstone of the Engineers Australia identity, the original logo has been preserved in this rebrand. In motion, the logo animates with simplicity and precision to retain its integrity and recognisability.

The logo endframes are key elements of the Engineers Australia motion identity.
They cultivate consistency between videos and provide a simple way to strengthen
brand presence.

Keeping in line with the simplicity of the brand, the type animation balances refined, engaging movement with functionality.

We defined how the varying hierarchies of type should animate, as well as provided examples of how the type can interact with other brand elements.

The Engineers Australia brand includes 2 particular graphic devices - the Pin device, and the Bracket device. The movement of these devices dynamically leads the eye, drawing focus to copy in frame, or certain subject matter in footage. Also, they drive the movement of the type, which reacts to them.

The Engineers Australia brand contains a suite of isometric, graphic illustrations.
We provided guidelines and examples for how these illustrations should look, feel
and animate when in motion.

Moving patterns exist to create ambient or electric texture in any context that involves motion. This could simply be adding constant movement to a poster that is predominantly type, or used to make posts for social media more exciting. They can even behave as live backgrounds for events.

The Engineers Australia motion brand comes with two types of pattern animation, and variations of each.

Transitions take us smoothly from frame to frame and inject a little piece of the
Engineers Australia brand as they do. Although most commonly used with live
action footage, transitions can be used to change between screens with static
imagery, illustration, and typography across all moving contexts.

Our motion brand comes with 2 styles of transitions and variations of each. 
The main theme of these transitions is moving forward with a future focus,
always travelling from left to right.

Brand photography can be an engaging visual element to add to any design.
However, in video content, it can feel static and subdued when paired with moving elements. Utilising simple motion treatments can bring this imagery to life and create
more dynamic motion experiences.
[Pages throughout case study are from the delivered motion brand.]

Engineers Australia Motion Brand

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Engineers Australia Motion Brand

Engineers Australia is the trusted voice of the profession. They are the global home for engineering professionals, renowned as leaders in shapin Rozwiń
