Henkilön Kirill Gluschenko profiili

Café Aster


Aster is a recently opened cafe in St. Petersburg. I was approached to create it's identity and some packaging. My intention was to make something modern, yet grounded in the surrounding environment, hence a Swiss layouts with classic Soviet typography.

With a nod to an Asterisk in the cafe's name we've drawn a shooting star as a supporting element: different each time, it's still recognizable. The sign is used next to the logo, as well as without it. Applications could range from a neon sign to a social media icon.

Our main typeface is Quantum Antiqua. Timeless, perfect in both extra large and tiny-small scales. Additionally I use Прописи (Propisi) — an unexpected pair to the strict antiqua.
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Café Aster


Café Aster
