Perfil de Monika Löve

Listening to Form/ DAE 2007/ Workshop booklet

Listening to Form
A Workshop with Maria Blaise in Design Academy Eindhoven, 2007 (booklet)
Most of the times our workshops are about "producing and giving an outcome" after some days of teaching from an external mentors. This time with Maria Blaise was totally different. She managed to disarm us from the preconceived knowledge and from the static way of seeing things happening around us. She presented to us receiving as the starting points o establish an inner connection between us and what is around in nature.

Receiving an image, a form or an experience is simply about listening without interfering with the process that is happening in front of you. What you receive is open, it is not about you but the way you you perceive it. This depends entirely on the individual as each person has a unique consciousness about things. (Introduction to the booklet by Laura Boffi)
Behind the Green, Secrets appear; Suvi-Tuuli Junttila, Finland
Let it flow, Let if go; Jihyun Ryou, Korea
Shaping Stories; Esin Nalbantoglu, Turkey
Layers of Expression; Jonny Wray, UK
Half a Square Meter of Ground; Regis Lemberthe, France
Spread the News; Marly von Lipzig, The Netherlands; Regis Lemberthe, France
Time is Processing Material; Monika Love, Estonia
Into the Cabbage; David Artuffo, Italy
Dancing Void; Jose Subero, Dominican Republic
Anomaly Symphony; Juan Esteban Rios, Colombia
Unplugging Mushrooms; Laura Boffi, Italy
Listening to Form/ DAE 2007/ Workshop booklet

Listening to Form/ DAE 2007/ Workshop booklet

A 3-day workshop in the first year in Man&Humanity master course in Design Academy Eindhoven


Sectores creativos