Mandi Lavoie's profile

Multi-Medium Art Portfolio

Multi-Medium Art Portfolio
High School Art Projects
I have a rich art history in my family. My mother and her brother were both proficient artists, as well as my father and his cousin, Louis Lavoie. Throughout high school I gained a further love for the visual arts and explored it thoroughly in numerous mediums.

Thereafter I continued into Communications and learned the basics of Digital Art that I was able to discover in College, but that's a story and portfolio for another time. Enjoy!
Pencil Illustration of an original hairstyle with the silhouette inspired by Star Wars Concept Art: Padme Amidala
First Pencil Crayon using an image coming from the beauty section of Harper's Bazaar, a fashion magazine.
Second Pencil Crayon, using an image from a perfume fragrance advertisement: The Healing Garden: In Bloom.
Third Pencil Crayon, Altered from an advertisement for an alcoholic beverage
First Watercolour, Inspired by a closeup of a Star Wars Concept Art: Padme Amidala
Second Watercolour, of yet another Star Wars Concept Art: Senate Aid to the Ambassador of Alderaan.
First Oil Painting, inspired by work of Josephine Wall: "Spirit of Flight".
Second Oil Painting, inspired by yet another artwork from Josephine Wall: "Daughter of the Deep".
Another oil painting, from college for a fashion-related project for a class: Branding. Wherein an assignment required doing all the required research, designing and illustrating a three piece collection.
The transition to the communications course and more 'business interpretations of art'. This project, construction of a business card is inspired by the introduction to another science fiction series: Stargate.
Computer-aided presentation of art, sketches, colour illustration and in the top right corner coloured with make-up (blush, eyeshadow, lip-liner, lip-gloss, etc). As well as a photograph of a garment made in sewing class made completely out of ties, worn by a guidance counselor who wore it to the staff Christmas party that year. This project was to showcase layout and photo-manipulation skills for a poster.
Multi-Medium Art Portfolio