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Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For this 2022

Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For this 2022

In the digital marketing world, changes happen almost every day. In fact, many of these changes are unexpected. Of course, they also happen when you least expect them to happen which is why it's important you do something about it before it gets out of hand. 

In an industry where competition is everywhere and increasing by the day, how can a business ensure they remain in the lead? What steps should be taken so that one can hold onto their place as a market leader? 

Marketing managers from all over have been observing what other companies are doing with regards to outsourcing. They've been seeing pros and cons from outsourcing certain work to foreign countries such as India or China. You might not want your outsourcing work to end up there since outsourcing in the Philippines for example has been a more viable option with better results. 

In outsourcing, you no longer have to work on your own or hire people from outside because there are outsourcing sites you can rely on when outsourcing your marketing needs. Aside from outsourcing in the Philippines , outsourcing is also thriving in countries such as India and China. 

As of recently, outsourcing companies in India have been emerging. It may seem that outsourcing work to them is cheaper but if the quality of the finished product matches up then it's not really a problem spending a bit more to ensure it does its job right. In fact, outsourcing works best when tasks which need accuracy end up being outsourced to another country instead of hiring someone who isn't an expert in the field or outsourcing work which doesn't demand for accuracy. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about the upcoming Digital Marketing trends for 2022. This will give you some insights on what to focus on especially if you’re planning on making your business dominate the digital world.

AI and machine learning will take over digital marketing

As the demand for digital marketing outsourcing increases, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are rapidly taking over.

As a result of this outsourcing, many companies are outsourcing their digital marketing to the Philippines because of the country's advantageous position in offering well-trained bilingual workers at an affordable cost.

The outsourcing industry is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years - with online outsourcing reaching $100 billion by 2025.

This means that AI tools will play an important part in customer service, sales, data analysis and even in planning advertising campaigns.    Currently, platforms like Zoho rely on AI to provide real-time analytics or suggestions when it comes to email design or content for social media posts.

Many companies have turned towards using outsourcing to outsource their digital marketing department because it can offer them, well-trained bilingual workers, at an affordable cost.

Digital Marketing Philippines outsourcing offers well-trained Filipino workers at an affordable cost. The outsourcing industry is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years, with online outsourcing reaching $100 billion by 2025. This means that AI tools will play an important part in customer service, sales, data analysis and even in planning advertising campaigns.

Chatbots will become more popular for customer service

As more companies are outsourcing their customer support services to third party operators, chatbots are becoming popular as well.

Many live chat providers have started offering chatbot integration options for customers who want to use them. This has opened up a new channel where companies can connect with their customers without having to worry about investments, infrastructure or training agents.

These bots offer the ability for companies to provide quick answers to common questions that customers typically ask live chat professionals, especially those that are related to business processes and policies. Customers can find the answers they need quickly and easily without even requiring human intervention which makes it convenient for both parties involved.

This means that outsourcing continues since outsourcing is not only limited to outsourcing of physical work but outsourcing of intellectual work.

There are still some companies outsourcing their services to the Philippines in bpo, outsourcing is not only limited to outsourcing of physical work but outsourcing of intellectual work. 

According to a chatbot market survey by VentureBeat, 32% of businesses have plans to implement chatbots for their customer service interactions within the next twelve months. This number indicates that more and more companies are embracing this new technology. The results also show that 59% of organizations already using chatbots plan to expand their use this year while 73% will increase investments in artificial intelligence technologies over the next five years with the most likely trends being improving consumer engagement with live chats, virtual assistants, automated self-servicing bots, etc., with most business' intentions to focus on improving the quality of service agents' responses by using artificial intelligence to learn from consumer conversations.

While outsourcing for customer services is still popular, chatbots are becoming more popular as well. Chatbots offer the ability for companies to provide quick answers to common questions that customers typically ask live chat professionals, especially those that are related to business processes and policies. With this implementation, outsourcing will continue since outsourcing is not limited to outsourcing physical work but outsourcing intellectual work as well which means that outsourcing will include both outsourcing physical and intellectual work. 

A survey was conducted in a conference called Venturebeat which concluded that 32% of businesses have plans to implement a chatbot over the next 12 months. This number shows that more and more companies are embracing this new technology.

The results also show that 59% of organizations already using chatbots plan to expand their use this year while 73% will increase investments in artificial intelligence technologies over the next five years with the most likely trends being improving consumer engagement with live chats, virtual assistants, automated self-servicing bots, etc., with most business' intentions to focus on improving the quality of service agents' responses by using artificial intelligence to learn from consumer conversations.

SEO will continue to be important for website ranking

SEO will continue to be important for website ranking. Social media posts are transient, may have limited reach, and get buried quickly in the newsfeeds of users. Google bots crawl through websites regularly, pages that are created but not frequently linked get indexed slowly or never at all, hence indexation becomes a challenge especially with site-wide links being disavowed by Googlebot completely. The need for outsourcing SEO lies in having content partners, partners who have creative powers to understand what your website needs so you can focus on your business objectives.

This outsourcing has become easier and more convenient with the advent of the BPO business process outsourcing industry in the Philippines. There are ample outsourcing service providers who can assist companies in fulfilling their digital marketing needs. One example is outsourcing to a BPO that specializes in SEO services. It takes time and effort for management to research outsourcing companies that specialize in SEO services, we hope this article will help you find your outsourcing partner easily.

There are outsourcing companies that do not practice ethical business practices by simply consuming their client's budgets through mediocre work. The outsourcing company should be constantly reinventing itself to avoid becoming irrelevant due to changes in the industry landscape caused by technology advancement and algorithm updates. This is one of the reasons why it is important for businesses who benefit from outsourcing services to stay updated with outsourcing news and outsourcing insights to ensure they are outsourcing to the right outsourcing companies.

What is SEO?

SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, is a marketing strategy that allows business owners to maximize their online presence through organic search rankings in search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Implementing this kind of digital marketing strategy allows businesses to focus on improving the user experience because it gives customers an improved chance of connecting with products and services by providing more relevant information that serves their needs. This type of service aims at increasing the number of people that will visit your website and eventually turn into paying or potential clients. Search engine optimization services can be managed by either in-house employees or outsourcing firms.

Social media platforms will focus on user privacy and security

Key digital marketing experts in the Philippines agree that social media platforms will focus more on securing users' privacy and security.

A leading Filipino outsourcing company specializing in digital marketing outsourcing said that it is good news for local companies considering outsourcing their social media campaigns to the Philippines. Anticipating increased demand, they assured that there is enough trained talent with hands-on experience in outsourcing.

"The big players like Facebook, Twitter, etc., will go back to basics", says a Philippine bpo outsourcing company who also says "they should break their terms of the agreement to provide the best security possible".

It means that having users' private info like full name or address can be too risky if cybercriminals could steal them by simply hacking into your profile.

Sure, social media platforms would not require their users to create a new profile if they failed to comply with the stricter rules. But all these could force sites like Facebook and Twitter to lose so many accounts, which means less traffic on your business website.

In outsourcing companies in the Philippines, there are more than enough marketing professionals fully trained to handle digital campaigns of medium and small-sized businesses outsourcing their work here. And because most Filipinos have experience in working from home, outsourcing companies expect that local bpo companies will ask outsourcing partners about security concerns immediately.

Reuters reported that social media companies including Facebook Inc., Alphabet Inc.'s Google unit and others had received several warnings from various threat intelligence groups last year after it was found out that cybercriminals were planning massive data theft.

Facebook has already promised to do more, both on security and privacy fronts. "We know that people expect us to be able to protect their personal information when they use Facebook," said Erin Egan, vice president and chief privacy officer, a policy at the social networking website.

The Manila outsourcing company saw this as a great opportunity for local bpo companies outsourcing their digital marketing here since it is easier for them to monitor compliance with policies of big companies like Facebook, Twitter, etc., who are now strict about users' online identity verification.

Most outsourcing companies in the Philippines have always aimed for quality services that can compete with other outsourcing destinations around the world. Digital marketing outsourcing is the area where Filipino talents excel compared to other outsourcing destinations.

Our outsourcing company in the Philippines says "we are ready to go higher when it comes to delivering high-quality outsourcing services".

They explained, "it's good for us because more outsourcing companies will ask outsourcing partners about privacy and security."

As a digital marketing outsourcing provider here in Manila, a Philippine bpo company sees this as an opportunity to prove that Filipino talent has what it takes to handle any outsourcing project. Marketers can do anything if they just focus on their passion which is making every person feel special. If clients' don't mind being outsourced here in the Philippines, then our outsourcing partners have enough resources to meet their needs. Wherever your outsourcing destination may be, outsourcing partners will always make sure outsourcing clients get value-for-money outsourcing services.

They reiterated, "hiring a digital marketing outsourcing company in the Philippines is still better because you are assured of high-quality outsourcing service".

Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For this 2022
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Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For this 2022

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