During my internship at Enlightens, we also were part of a project regarding the mobiliti of Den Bosch, Netherlands. It’s a project of almost  2 years focused on  accelerating sustainable shared mobility in  the city. In September 2021 was the start of an additional project called Blik Van de straat. The meaning is 2-fold: How do we ensure less cars in the streetscape? And: How do the inhabitants of the street view it, what do they think and want?

In November 2021, we visited 3 neighborhoods with a mobile installation, with graphics that I designed to communicate the idea of the project and to start a conversation with the local residents. The 3 neighborhoods are very diverse, namely ’t Zand, Kruiskamp and Engelen. We spoke to many people and gathered new information and insights. 
Blik van de straat

Blik van de straat
