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Winter Wonderland Christmas Poster Design

Winter Wonderland Poster Design 

Poster designed for Monument City Brewing Company in Baltimore, MD. This event poster was hung at the brewery and handed out as flyers to advertise their upcoming Christmas event at the taproom featuring The Punk Cellist. 

My design began with a pencil sketch of the brick building, then I inkd the illustration by hand with micron pens using hatching and stippling techniques. The dotwork of the snow allows it to stand apart in black and white and creates depth. Once the pen and ink drawing was complete, I digitized the art and colored it in Photoshop using layers. Hand lettering the headline of the poster added an additional handcrafted touch to the poster art itself. The custom letters were sketched in Procreate on the iPad Pro, then redrawn in Adobe Illustrator to create a crisp vector design of the type. The final poster design came together in Indesign with the layout, graphic design and illustration. 
Craft Beer Label Design • Brewery Branding • Packaging Design • Pen & Ink Illustration • Logo Design • Apparel Graphics   |   Follow along on Instagram
Winter Wonderland Christmas Poster Design
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Winter Wonderland Christmas Poster Design

Winter Wonderland Poster design for Monument City Brewing Company in Baltimore, MD. I started with pencil sketches of the brewery, then inked the Daha Fazla Bilgi

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