Makeway is a project dedicated to group travel. The main focuses of the mobile app are itinerary organization, voting on activities, and pooling money to split trip costs. I am usually the trip organizer of my friend group, so I understand what it's like to be stressed out making sure everybody has a great experience. With this app, I hope to take the stress out of traveling as a group and make it a more seamless and organized experience.
User Persona: Identifying the target audience as a first-time traveler is important. We want to gain trust of someone who is nervous of traveling and make it as easy as possible so that they can fully enjoy their trip.
Ad Campaign: The idea is simple for the billboard, we want you to stamp your passport by traveling with our services. The only way to do that is to download the app and start planning as soon as possible.
Packaging: The travel kit here is an optional add-on to your trip. Depending on where you go, you will receive a kit that will educate and help you prepare for your stay abroad. For example, a trip to the Dominican Republic would include a pamphlet on English to Spanish translations, sunglasses, a map, and a local travel guide.
Motion Ad: The ad uses upbeat audio and inspiring views to generate a sense of fear-of-missing-out (FOMO). We want our users to avoid FOMO by staying organized and splitting costly travel bills through the money pooling feature. 
App: The app takes you through the trip creation process, followed by the itinerary planner, and the money pool feature.


