The Marriage of Frank & Nina
Mixed Media (Oil Painting, Marker and Photographs on Cardboard Cutouts) 
Inspired by the Hudson River School of painting, this is a concept for a wedding portrait for my high school friend, Frank. At the time of his marriage, and presently, Frank was a dock boss on the piers of Newark, and he is without a doubt the least likely person to be wearing a tuxedo. And yet there he was, wearing one on his wedding day. My idea was to highlight this incongruence by placing the happy couple in front of a phony, painted plywood photo prop - like the ones that you see at carnivals - perched in front of a scenic overlook. This is literally  overlooking  the Hudson River – near where I grew up. 
I added to this scene, the Indian Point nuclear plant, and the Bear Mountain bridge, to show modern man’s intervention. Everyone in this scene is a transient visitor to this environment, so the idea was to place them on top of the painting – almost the same way that you would with the Colorforms that we played with as children. I have placed an all-American family on the left and a biker couple on the right, next to Frank and Nina, to suggest the two directions that their life might take. 
The Marriage of Frank and Nina

The Marriage of Frank and Nina

Mixed Media
