The Unknown: What do you associate with the unknown? 
The first thing that comes to my mind is aliens and the conspiracies surrounding them throughout history. 
I conducted a list of ideas together that influenced various artwork throughout my project. 
I explored various ideas including nature, space and everyday objects. 
Photography: I experimented by combining human faces and animals to create a being. 
Using Marilyn Manson and Salvador Dali as inspiration I created two artist responses using pencil, pencil and water colour.
Drag Queens: Using the concept of art and the way they edit themselves to look completely different I created three responses. 
Initial Design ideas: I experimented with various imagery and techniques to create four initial design ideas. 
Final Piece: Using acrylic paint, water colour, pen and pencil I create a being that has been taken over by moths. 


Unknown: What comes to your mind when I say that word?
