Private project.
The story of how difficult it is for a graduate to find a job right after graduation.
About the indifference of people. About unfulfillable requirements. The long wait. And about faith in yourself.
It was a great and interesting experience. The client sent me a very good description of the project and the characters. It remains only to create a character.
It must be a guy just like you or your neighbor who has just graduated.
The main goal of the project was to show emotions throughout history.
I chose a limited and calm color scheme so as not to distract attention.
When the character was ready and approved by the client, I started storyboarding. I always do a full storyboard of the book at once so that I can see the whole project in its entirety.
All sketches in two minutes)
Thank you for your time
Come visit me, there are many new projects and videos of the drawing process
Finding a job sucks
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Finding a job sucks

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